Discounted Hotel Rates expire soon

We were able to add a few more rooms to the expanded hotel room blocks, but they will be expiring soon.  We’ll try to find additional rooms in the area, but as we get closer to our show the prices will continue to increase.  If you haven’t made your hotel reservations yet, see the Travel & Lodging tab for information on rooms still available. 

Just announced; we’re excited to welcome the Trio Of Fire/ Apocalyptic Side Show to our Saturday night HAA Masquerade Party.  They’ll be entertaining us in the Foyer as you arrive for the party. 

The one and only APOCALYPTIC SIDE SHOW! A group of sick, twisted, demented, and rejected individuals that have one goal in common, to blow your mind! We’ll show you the gross, the evil, the funny, and do the psychotic and dangerous tricks that most normal people would never attempt. Every character in the demented group has a story to tell!